Sarath Babu

Refereed International Journals

  1. D. Dalai, Sarath Babu, B. S. Vineeth, and B. S. Manoj, "A Novel Space Based Hosting Approach for Ultra Low Latency Web Services," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 142838-142862, Sep. 2024.
  2. Sarath Babu, A. Rajeev, and B. S. Manoj, "A medium-term disruption tolerant SDN for wireless TCP/IP networks," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2318-2334, Dec. 2020.
  3. A. Chakraborty, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "On achieving capacity-enhanced small-world networks," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 556, p. 124729, Oct. 2020.
  4. Sarath Babu and B. S. Manoj, "Toward a type-based analysis of road networks," ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 28:1-28:45, Aug. 2020.
  5. P. Koshy, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "Sliding window blockchain architecture for Internet of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 3338-3348, Apr. 2020.
  6. Sarath Babu, P. V. Mithun, and B. S. Manoj, "A novel framework for resource discovery and self-configuration in software defined wireless mesh networks," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 132-146, Mar. 2020.
  7. N. Anand, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "On detecting compromised controller in software defined networks," Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 137, pp. 107-118, Jun. 2018.
  8. D. S. Yadav, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "Quasi path restoration: A post-failure recovery scheme over pre-allocated backup resource for elastic optical networks," Elsevier Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 41, pp. 139-154, Mar. 2018.

Refereed International Conferences

  1. M. Shahid, K. Das, H. Ushaq, H. Zhang, J. Song, D. Qiao, Sarath Babu, Y. Guan, Z. Zhu, A. Ahmad "ReVeal: A Physics-Informed Neural Network for High-Fidelity Radio Environment Mapping", accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (IEEE DySPAN '25), London, UK, May 2025.
  2. M. Nadim, T. Islam, S. Reddy, T. Zhang, Z. Meng, R. Afzal, Sarath Babu, A. Ahmed, D. Qiao, A. Arora, H. Zhang, "AraSync: Precision Time Synchronization in Rural Wireless Living Lab", in Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom '24), Washington D.C., DC, USA, Nov. 2024, pp. 1898–1905.
  3. J. O. Boateng, T. Zhang, G. Zu, T. U. Islam, Sarath Babu, H. Zhang, and D. Qiao, "AraSDR: End-to-end, fully-programmable living lab for 5G and beyond", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Denver, CO, USA, Jun. 2024, pp. 1758-1763.
  4. E. K. A. Permatasari, E. Gosling, M. Nadim, Sarath Babu, D. Qiao, H. Zhang, M. Luby, J. W. Byers, L. Minder, and P. Aggrawal, "Real-time liquid wireless transport for video streaming in rural and agricultural applications", in Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Mile High Video (MHV), Denver, CO, USA, Feb. 2024, pp. 54-60.
  5. G. Zu, M. Nadim, S. Reddy, T. U. Islam, Sarath Babu, T. Zhang, D. Qiao, H. Zhang, and A. Arora, "AraHaul: Multi-modal wireless x-haul living lab for long-distance, high-capacity communications", in Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 2023, pp. 1-6.
  6. T. Zhang, G. Zu, T. U. Islam, E. Gossling, Sarath Babu, D. Qiao, and H. Zhang, "Exploring wireless channels in rural areas: A comprehensive measurement study", in the Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 2023, pp. 1-6. [Honorable Mention]
  7. T. U. Islam, J. O. Boateng, G. Zu, M. Shahid, M. Nadim, W. Xu, T. Zhang, S. Reddy, X. Li, A. Atalar, Y. Chen, Sarath Babu, H. Zhang, D. Qiao, M. Zheng, Y. Guan, O. Boyraz, A. Arora, M. Selim, and M. B. Cohen, "ARA PAWR: Wireless living lab for smart and connected rural communities", in Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom '23). ACM, Article 98, Oct. 2023, pp. 1-3.
  8. T. U. Islam, T. Zhang, J. O. Boateng, E. Gossling, G. Zu, Sarath Babu, H. Zhang, and D. Qiao, "AraMIMO: Programmable TVWS mMIMO living lab for rural wireless", in Proceedings of the 17th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH '23), Oct. 2023, pp. 9–16. [Best Paper Award]
  9. M. Shahid, Sarath Babu, H. Zhang, D. Qiao, Y. Guan, J. O. Boateng, T. U. Islam, G. Zu, A. Kamal, and M. Zheng, "Wireless guard for trustworthy spectrum management", in Proceedings of the 16th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (WiNTECH '22), Oct. 2022, pp. 32-39.
  10. K. Keahey, J. Anderson, M. Sherman, C. Hammock, Z. Zhen, J. Tillotson, T. Bargo, L. Long, T. U. Islam, Sarath Babu, H. Zhang, and F. Halbach, "CHI-in-a-Box: Reducing operational costs of research testbeds", in Proceedings of the ACM Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) Conference Series, Jul. 2022.
  11. T. Abhiroop, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "A machine learning consensus based light-weight blockchain architecture for Internet of Things," in Proceedings of 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Jan. 2022, pp. 1-6.
  12. A. Salas, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "A light-weight delay tolerant networking framework for resource-constrained environments," in Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications (NCC), Jul. 2021, pp. 1-6.
  13. Sarath Babu, Indranil Ghosh, and B. S. Manoj, "Effort: A new metric for roadside unit placement in 5G enabled vehicular networks," in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), Sep. 2020, pp. 263-268.
  14. D. Dalai, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "On using edge servers in 5G satellite networks," in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), Sep. 2020, pp. 553-558.
  15. Suraj R., Sarath Babu, D. Dalai, and B. S. Manoj, "DebriNet: An opportunistic software defined networking framework over PSLV debris," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Dec. 2019, pp. 1-6.
  16. Sarath Babu, P. Rathod, and B. S. Manoj, "On optimizing information gathering in shanty town emergency response," in Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Oct. 2019, pp. 129-134.
  17. T. Abhiroop, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "A machine learning approach for detecting DoS attacks in SDN switches," in Proceedings of the 24th National Conference on Communications (NCC), Feb. 2018, pp. 1-6.
  18. P. V. Mithun, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "On resolving network view inconsistencies in SDN control plane," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Dec. 2017, pp. 1-6.
  19. G. Gupta, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "Dual-mode TCP: An alternative approach for delay tolerant networks," in Proceedings of the 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), Mar. 2017, pp. 1-6.
  20. Sarath Babu and B. S. Manoj, "On the topology of Indian and Western road networks," in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Jan. 2016, pp. 1-6.
  21. R. Raj, Sarath Babu, K. Benson, G. Jain, B. S. Manoj, and N. Venkatasubramanian, "Efficient path rescheduling of heterogeneous mobile data collectors for dynamic events in shanty town emergency response," in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dec. 2015, pp. 1-7.
  22. A. V. Mamidi, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "Dynamic multi-hop switch handoffs in software defined wireless mesh networks," in *Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Dec. 2015, pp. 1-6.
  23. G. Jain, Sarath Babu, R. Raj, K. Benson, B. S. Manoj, and N. Venkatasubramanian, "On disaster information gathering in a complex shanty town terrain," in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference - South Asia Satellite (GHTC- SAS), Sep. 2014, pp. 147-153.

Book Chapters

  1. A. D. Dhruva, Sarath Babu, A. Chakraborty, and B. S. Manoj, "Computing platforms for the Internet of Things, In: Abraham, Martin A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, 2nd Edition, 2024, vol. 3, pp. 780–799. Oxford: Elsevier.

arXiv/TechRxiv Preprints

  1. T. U. Islam et al., "Design and implementation of ARA wireless living lab for rural broadband and applications," arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.00913v1 (2024).
  2. M. Shahid et al., "Wireless Spectrum in Rural Farmlands: Status, Challenges and Opportunities," arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.04561v1 (2024).
  3. D. Dalai, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "Satellite-6G network integration roadmap on reference architectures". TechRxiv. Preprint. (2022).
  4. D. Dalai, Sarath Babu, B. S. Vineeth, and B. S., Manoj, "A novel space based hosting approach for ultra low latency web services," TechRxiv. Preprint. (2022).
  5. D. D. Anantha, Sarath Babu, A. Chakraborty, and B. S. Manoj, "Computing boards for Internet of Things: A comparative survey," TechRxiv. Preprint. (2022).
  6. Sarath Babu, G. Jain, and B. S. Manoj, "Urban delay tolerant network simulator (UDTNSim v0. 1)," arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05645 (2017).

Technical Reports

  1. S. Kota, G. Giambene, et al., "Satellite," IEEE INGR International Network Generations Roadmap, 2023 Edition, 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2023, pp. 1-195.
  2. S. Kota, G. Giambene, et al., "Satellite," IEEE INGR International Network Generations Roadmap, 2022 Edition, 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2022, pp. 1-182.
  3. A. Chakraborty, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "On achieving capacity-enhanced small-world networks," Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Tech. Rep., 09 2017, IIST-SNL-101-2017-09-21.


  1. P. Koshy, A. S. Ananthakrishnan, Sarath Babu, and B. S. Manoj, "IoT Enabled Biomedical Wearable Clothing System for Healthcare Assistance, IN 449773, 2023.

Software Developed

  1. OpenFlow Software Switch with Controlled Buffering: Enables an SDN switch for controlled buffering of packets to handle link disruptions in software defined wireless environments.
  2. Software Defined Optimized Link State Routing (SD-OLSR) Protocol: Provides an automated SDN resource discovery and self-configuration scheme for software defined wireless environments involving mobile switches and controllers.
  3. Urban Delay Tolerant Network Simulator (UDTNSim): Helps in designing and developing mobility models and routing protocols for ad~hoc vehicular networks in real-world road network environments and analyze the performance.
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